PyeongChang Winter Olympics 2018

PyeongChang Winter Olympics 2018

So today is opening ceremony for the 2018 Winter Olympics. In the first place, this will begin at 8:00 p.m. in PyeongChang. For those of you living in different time zones; check your local television listing.

PyeongChang Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony

Although competition started yesterday; the Opening Ceremony is today.

First and foremost, set your clock early. As opening ceremony begins at 6:00 a.m. if you’re on EST. In the same fashion, the opening ceremony is a Parade of Nations. Since Greece leads the parade; they will open up. Additionally, the countries will follow in alphabetical order. At the same time, both North Korea and South Korea will stand together to close the ceremony under a Unification Flag.

Winter Olympics Begin

PyeongChang Winter Olympics 2018

As the Winter Olympics begin, the exciting world of skiing, skating, and ice hockey will come together. If you’re a big fan of Winter sports; visit the Winter schedule for all dates and times of the competitions you hope to see.

Because this is the second time the Olympics have been hosted in South Korea; the Country is well prepared for the Winter sports events. With South Korea bolstering security; armed personnel are prepared for any type of terror attack.

For the 2018 Winter Olympics; there will be over 102 events in 15 different sports categories. Moreover, there are some new events this year. Such as big air snowboarding, freestyle skiing, mass start speed skating and mixed doubles curling to name a few.

Medals and Mascot

This year’s medals have been created by South Korean designer, Lee Suk-woo. His inspiration for the medals came from the inspiration of tree trunks.

As well as the medals, the mascot for this year’s Olympics is a white tiger. Consequently, the white tiger has been considered a guardian of Korea. Moreover, the white tiger has been named Soohorang. Hence, Sooho means protection in Korea.

Winter Olympics Closing Ceremony

At the closing ceremony, we will see all the athletes walk together. Will you be watching the 2018 Winter Olympics? What competitions are you looking forward to seeing?

As always, I welcome your comments.

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