Tennis Love The Singles Game

Tennis Love The Singles Game

If you like tennis, than I recommend you read The Singles Game. Not only has Lauren Weisberger written an entertaining story about tennis, but the book also features 3rd party narration.


In the first place, if you like tennis you will enjoy this book. If you don’t know much about the sport of tennis, this story also is about family, romance and devotion.

Although I have taken tennis lessons and played the sport for fun, I enjoyed learning about the life of a professional tennis player. First, the dedication shown to tennis by Charlie was astounding. Second, the life of a professional tennis player requires a lot of sacrifices.


While we all hope to find love, this story takes you through many different stages of the word. Additionally, this book takes you through the love and dedication to a sport as well as family love.

In the same fashion, Charlie Silver is single and begins a relationship with a tennis player she met on the circuit. Although their romance starts out sweet, it turned me off when I was half way through the book. You hope Charlie can come to terms with this romance and end it. Does she? You will have to read the book to find out what happens.

The Singles Game

Tennis Love The Singles Game

Because I enjoyed several of this Author’s other books, I was looking forward to reading The Singles Game. Of course, I found the story to be light and an easy chick-lit book.

The story walks you through the life of Charlie Silver, a tennis player. As the book develops, changes are made in Charlie’s coaching and she undergoes a make-over. After Charlie switches coaches, she undergoes a transformation to her style as well as emotionally. As much as Charlie is winning and moving up in the ranks of tennis, is she comfortable with her transformation?

Although Charlie makes some questionable decisions, it was easy to understand it was because she was in her 20’s. In addition, Charlie’s father and brother come across as loving and interesting characters. Also, her love and commitment to the sport is apparent throughout the story.

When Charlie becomes more famous, she realizes this comes with a price. Parties, celebrities, stylists, and scandals find Charlie in a compromising position. As Charlie soon comes to the realization that she isn’t comfortable with the changes made by her coach, she begins to find herself again.


In summary, this book is highly entertaining, yet predictable. At times, the book is a little slow and repetitive in dialogue.

In conclusion, have you read The Singles Game? Look forward to you sharing your thoughts on this book.

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