Celebrity Endorsements Driving Fashion

Celebrity Endorsements Driving Fashion

Celebrity endorsements driving fashion seem to be today’s norm. So, over the last several years, we’ve seen many Fashion Designers collaborate with Retailers. For example, H & M and Target have done many Designer collaborations. At the same time, the thought process is – we have the brains and you have the looks or clout; so lets collaborate and make a lot of money.

Celebrity Endorsements Driving Fashion

Many celebrities have endorsed fashion brands recently. Some recent collaborations are:

  • Kanye and Adidas –  Herbert Hainer, Chief Executive Officer of the German sportswear Company, Adidas signed with Kanye. The brand launched “Yeezy” and hopes their Customer’s follow Kanye’s music and are inspired to wear the brand. The collaboration with the rapper is Adidas’s attempt to gain ground on its rivalry with Nike.
  • Rihanna and Puma – Rihanna has been a Creative Director at Puma since 2014.  Rihanna’s collaboration with Puma on the Fenty Trainer is a stylish sneaker she designed. She has followed up with another successful style. Her third debut is the fur slide featured below – it is a cozy spin on a Puma classic.  Puma’s successful performance sandal worn by athletes off the field helps this comfortable design featuring faux fur and satin foam strap backing. The fur slider sold out in a short time and prices climbed. In fact, one shopper paid a $1000 to get a pair on Ebay.

Celebrity Endorsements Driving Fashion

Converse and The Sex Pistols are going to be collaborating with fashion and shoes. Robert Kraft has collaborated with Nike on the Lunar Force  This sneaker was in high demand and sold out the same day.  Markedly, Ebay had the sneakers for 3 times the retail price.

Payoff on Celebrity Endorsements Driving Fashion

Is there a payoff in enlisting celebrities to endorse fashion brands?  Certainly!  Of course fashion is talent, style and innovation.  It is hard to understand why someone with very little education or experience is backing up a well known brand.  Of course, the two parties are hoping to rely on their own image for success   By and large, fans of celebrities are racing to buy into their lifestyles.

Shift in Value

The shift in value of Fashion Manufacturers and clothing has come into focus. With social media 24/7 and Reality Television; brands and those on reality television shows are looking to capitalize on quick money.  Those on reality TV are looking for quick ways to capitalize on their stardom.  These brands and reality TV are embracing commercialism.  Things come and go – one minute something is on the “Buy” list and the next on the “Throw” it out list. Same goes for many of those associated with reality television.

Major achievements by an athlete is a reason to buy behind the brand. So, why are people buying heavily into these people?  In other words, I don’t buy into many of these wannabe’s and prefer the real thing.

In conclusion, are you buying into Celebrity endorsements driving fashion?

As always, I welcome your comments.

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