March 13 - 19th is Sleep Awareness Week

March 13 – 19th is Sleep Awareness Week

March 13 – 19th is Sleep Awareness Week! In 1998, this was started by the National Public Education campaign to promote better sleeping habits and improve your health.

March 13 – 19th is Sleep Awareness Week

When this week started it coincided with Daylight Savings Time. So, unless you sleep like Rip Van Winkle; it’s time for each of us to get 6 –  8 hours of sleep a night.

Rip Van Winkle and the Legend of Sleepy Hollow

In this short story, it follows a Dutch-American Villager a.k.a. Rip Van Winkle who encounters a mysterious Dutch man who provides him with liquor and he falls asleep in the Catskill Mountains. Hence, 20 years later; he wakes up from a long slumber with a lot of changes in the world.

Also, this 200th Anniversary collection has many illustrations in this classic edition.

From the early 1800s, this book is a great story to read to your kids or grandchildren.


March 13 - 19th is Sleep Awareness Week

Are you waking up too early? Or, are you going to sleep too late? At the same time, there are certain things you need to do to make sure you get enough sleep each night.

Total Blackout Window Film

For instance, if you work the graveyard shift; you may want to consider adding a blackout window treatment.

Available in many different sizes; this window film is completely opaque and keeps the light from shining through.

In addition, this film is really easy to use. All you need is to apply the film to a clean window, remove adhesive and place it on your window.


March 13 - 19th is Sleep Awareness Week

Sleep Deprivation

In fact, many individuals suffer from sleep deprivation.

March 13 - 19th is Sleep Awareness Week

At the same time; it is essential that each individual make enough time for sleep. In the first place, you should try and establish a routine to go to sleep and wake up each day.

Before bed, make sure you don’t use any electronical devices. For instance, how many of us watch TV, play video games or even check our mobile devices for messages? Since any type of screen time can deter your sleep habits; have a cut off time every night about 60 – 90 minutes before you are planning to go to sleep.

Also, if you are feeling tired during the day or lethargic; I recommend a nap which can often improve your energy level. To read about the benefits of napping; be sure to check out my Power Naps post.

Are you getting enough sleep?

When it comes to you getting enough sleep; are you only sleeping 4 or 5 hours a night? Well, if so, it is possible there is a reason for this. As we age, we may have trouble sleeping due to a health issue or medication we are taking.

In addition, many individuals have trouble sleeping due to stress or drinking caffeine or alcohol later in the day.

However, if suddenly your sleep habits have changed; it is important you consult with your Physician. In fact, many individuals may have issues going on such as high blood pressure, heart disease or mental health issues.

However, if you are like me and have difficulty falling asleep; I recommend the following for a quality night of sleep.

So, a few of my secrets for falling asleep easily are to keep my windows open, take something non-addictive to help me fall asleep easily and use my bed jet regularly.

First, make sure your room is cool. I recommend sleeping between 55 – 60 degrees to keep you cool throughout the night.

Bed Jet 3

Another remedy I have is to use a bed jet. When I first saw this on Shark Tank with my husband; I turned to him and said this is exactly what I need. Luckily, my husband surprised me with this and this is definitely something I cannot live without.

In my opinion, this is the greatest thing ever invented Not only does it keep the night sweats away; but you wake up feeling comfortable.

However, if you like it warmer; you can set it on “hot”.


Bed Jet 3

ZzzQuil Nightime Sleep Aid Tablets

Another remedy that has worked really well for me is the ZzzQuil tablets. When I tried one, it made me a little bit lethargic the next day; so I split it in half and it has worked out really well.



In summary, make sure you are getting a good quality of sleep each night.

As always, I welcome your comments on what you will do March 13 – 19th Sleep Awareness Week differently?

Happy National Sleep Awareness Week!

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