EachforEqual Campaign Theme 2020

EachforEqual Campaign Theme 2020

EachforEqual is this year’s International Women’s Day campaign theme. So, if you’re wondering what this means  – it means an equal world which is an enabled world. Since we’re all in charge of our destiny each and every day; it’s time to improve the quality of Women everywhere.

EachforEqual Campaign Theme

When you think of this year’s campaign theme; it is a combination of topics that have impacted the workplace, businesses, the government, and equality for health and wealth. Be sure to visit my International Women’s Day #PressforProgress post to read how we can all benefit.

Moreover, this theme is a belief of “Collective Individualism”. So, if you’re not familiar with this; simply, it means that collectively we can all make changes to better the lives of individuals and people in the world.

In fact, equality in Women’s issues can no longer wait.

Gender Equal World

When it comes to equality, it impacts everyone. Consequently, gender equality is an important issue in order for communities and the economy to survive.

In light of where things stand today; there is a need for change. Indeed, the MeToo and TimesUp have brought a lot of issues to the forefront. However, there is still a lot of work that needs to be done.

In summary, are you ready to change the world? Of course, we all need to fight for a better world and make sure no person is ever assaulted, discriminated against or harassed. Now, is the time to level the playing field for every woman.

So, put your arms out in front and strike the pose for #EachforEqual. Let’s stand together to motivate others to make a difference. Today is your day! Not only should this be the theme for today; but for every day.

Meanwhile, this year’s theme isn’t just about today; but about the year. Each year there is a new campaign set by the IWD and let’s make this year’s stick. Press for progress.

As always, I welcome your comments on how you will celebrate this year’s #EachforEqual campaign.

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