I Love to Write Day - November 15th

I Love to Write Day – November 15th

I love to write day is today. So, it is no secret that I enjoy writing based on all the articles I have written on a regular basis. Though I enjoy creating stories through my blog and for other clients; the truth is I’m never going to write the greatest American novel.

I Love to Write Day’s History

So, I  Love to Write Day was started by John Riddle who is an Author. At the same time, he wanted to set aside a day that people everywhere could spend their time writing. No matter what you write; he wants to encourage people to craft a story on whatever they want to.

When it comes to writers, some people have a natural gift. However, many individuals participate in taking writing classes or pursue a degree in journalism.

In essence, writers are needed in many fields. Moreover, if you have the skills to convey a story and love to do research; then this is something you may want to consider pursuing.

There are authors, bloggers, content writers, creative writers, and journalists.

I Love to Write Day – My Passion

When I was a teenager, I always used to make up stories, and sometimes, I would even act them out.

When I closed my prior company, LRB & Associates; I transitioned my Website to include posts on various topics. To read about my journey; check out Lynne’s Fashion Journey post.

Fast forward…

For the 7 years, I have published articles, blog posts, and even self-published 2 books. Because of my love of food and creating different menus; I created a book of some of my favorite fall and holiday recipes for food and drinks.


I Love to Write Day - November 15th

My Sister, Edie already published one fiction book and had another in the works. When her life tragically ended, I decided in her memory; I would finish her book. Because I had never written a romantic book; there were times I wondered how I would be able to finish her manuscript. After speaking with my Cousin, Alan who is an experienced Writer; he was able to collaborate with me to complete my Sister’s story in her memory.

To read more about my journey in completing this manuscript; be sure to visit my Cortship Book Launch post.

So, if you haven’t had the chance to read this young adult story; I hope you will pick up a copy to read this story about friendship, young love, and the one person you never forgot about.


I Love to Write Day - November 15th

Of course, I love writing my own blog posts. I enjoy creating posts on fashion, beauty, and lifestyle topics. Moreover, it is my hope that you read my posts!

Through the encouragement of others, I have enjoyed creating stories that hopefully resonate with others. In addition to writing my own blog posts, I write a lot of articles, blog posts, content writing, and even some ghost writing for others.

Finally, if I can enrich someone else’s lives with my stories; it puts a smile on my face.

How to Celebrate I Love to Write Day

So, if you always enjoyed writing; there are a few things you may want to try. In the first place, you can sign up for a writing class or find a group of aspiring writers.

Meanwhile, if you know a writer; ask them if you can read their work.

Finally, begin your own story.

Of course, I will continue to write and hopefully put a smile on your face, make you laugh, and more importantly, I am open to your feedback.

Enjoy this crazy non-holiday and find a spot to start writing your own stories. Though you don’t need a day to start writing, perhaps today will inspire you to begin the great American novel.

As always, I welcome your comments on how you will celebrate “I Love to Write Day”?

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4 thoughts on “I Love to Write Day – November 15th”

  1. Thank you for helping to spread the word about I Love To Write Day! I appreciate your support!
    John Riddle
    Founder of I Love To Write Day

  2. Thanks Lynne for sharing. Very inspirational! I’m so glad you finished her book.
    At least you got some experience in writing something that was not your genre. I’m sorry for.your.loss.

    1. Julia,
      Thank you for your kind words. It was definitely heart wrenching to finish Edie’s manuscript. Not only is this not my genre in writing, but I kept thinking about her, as I was editing and what would Edie say. I am happy I was able to finish it in her memory. I hope you have the opportunity to read this story.

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