Ketogenic Diet Beginners Guide

Ketogenic Diet Beginners Guide

Is the Ketogenic diet for you? In the first place, this diet is not new. First and foremost, the diet has been around for almost 100 years to treat drug resistant epilepsy. So today’s post will provide all the information you need; to decide if you want to try this way of losing weight.

Ketogenic Diet

In the long run, this diet is known for eating high fat and low carbs. But, when you think about “fats”, it is the fatty foods such as meat, butter, real cream and eggs. Since much of our body has sugar in our blood cells, this diet breaks down these cells. At the same time, the ketogenic diet is rich in fats and protein.

In essence, the main goal of this diet is to trick your body into a metabolic state. By doing this, you’re eating good fats which become your primary source of energy.

Ketogenic Food

Because this diet has a lot of restrictions, many find it hard to follow over a long period of time. Some of the foods you can eat on this diet include:

  • Butter
  • Cheese
  • Chicken
  • Cream
  • Eggs
  • Fish
  • Also, both processed meat and meats and sausage
  • Nuts
  • Seeds

You should avoid eating:

  • Fruit, such as apples, bananas and oranges
  • Grains, such as cereal, corn, rice and wheat
  • Potatoes and yams
  • Sugar, which include agave, honey, maple and syrup

For anyone just starting out on this diet, Simply Keto provides a lot of information such as a 30 day plan to get you started as well as a shopping list and recipes. BUY NOW.

Ketogenic Diet Beginners Guide

Ketogenic Benefits

Indeed, there are a lot of benefits to this diet. One of the biggest benefits is you lose weight quickly. In addition to losing weight, you reduce the amount of sugar in your body. Also, for anyone who is diabetic, this diet will effectively help you manage your diabetes.With this in mind, a lower carb diet also helps improve your blood pressure over time.

When you have a lower intake of food, ketones are known to increase your concentration and mental focus. Of course, fats are known to keep us full for longer periods of time.

Ketogenic Negative Impact

Certainly, one of the primary benefits of this diet is weight loss. However, weight loss isn’t for everyone; nor is following a very restrictive diet. Moreover, it is important to know that certain high fat foods such as processed meats are linked to other medical conditions such as heart disease and stroke.

Because there is more to worry about than losing weight, it is important that nutrition is the main foundation of your health. Above all, keto isn’t considered healthy for long-term. In summary, the best diet has nutrition with exercise and solid sleep habits. Check out my Best Healthy Weight Loss Diets post for some other diets to consider, instead of the ketogenic diet.

Moreover, Mayo Clinic believes this diet’s restrictions can result in bone loss, vitamin or mineral deficiencies and gastrointestinal issues. Hence, it is best to discuss the long-term issues that can arise from this diet with a health care professional.

In summary,a ketogenic diet may be good for the short-term. In my opinion, I think there are pros and cons to this diet. However, I think the best diet contains a good mix of protein, vegetables, fruits and fats. Hence, most people don’t want to deprive themselves of splurging on “bad food” too. Of course, at the end of the day it is about you. What works for some people, may not for other people. My advice is to eat a low carb diet, rather than going on this Ketogenic diet.

As always, I welcome your comments.

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