Money Solves Creates Problems

Money Solves Creates Problems

Money solves many things. But money also creates problems. Since we all want more opportunities and ways to make more money, does money bring you happiness?

Money Solves Problems

So, most people want more money. But, are they satisfied? Also, the more money you have, the more you want. When you have more money in your pocket, are you spending wisely? In the first place, when you see people driving luxury vehicles or wearing designer clothing, are they happy?

Many individuals who have money feel they are treated with respect. Similarly, when I wear designer clothes and go somewhere, I do feel that people take more notice. While having good taste doesn’t necessarily mean you have money, people tend to respond better to you. If you’re dressed sloppy, people react differently.

Moreover, the more money you have, you hope to have a financial peace of mind. Bill Gates once said “I can understand wanting to have a million dollars, but once you get beyond that, I have to tell you it is the same hamburger”. In view of this statement, are you suddenly going to become more fulfilled by bringing home more money?

Money Creates Problems

So, having money can also create problems. In addition, a lot of relationships don’t make it due to money issues. Money won’t help a relationship stay together. Many times, individuals, families and couples are pulled apart by monetary issues.

By acquiring new things, it may not bring you happiness. Can a car, clothing, new house, or membership bring you fulfillment? Although a car may solve transportation issues, it is better to have a more practical automobile. Of course, if you desire a luxury car model and can afford it, why not.

In the same fashion, if you want new clothes, then buy them. With this in mind, clothing trends change often. New clothes are not going to bring you happiness. Of course, anyone can spend money on material goods.

Making more money doesn’t buy you happiness. Happiness comes from within. If you have extra money, it is nice to donate to a worthwhile cause. When you’re confident and help others, that brings happiness. I often find when I donate my time or money to a cause, it gives me a natural high that I don’t get from spending money on myself.


So, money cannot buy happiness. Our happiness comes from within. Although, money can help lessen the financial stress and make things easier for you, it doesn’t solve problems.

In conclusion, sometimes having money helps and other times it can create headaches.

Does money solve or create problems for you?


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