National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day

National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day

So, today is National Grilled Cheese Day. Although this sandwich has been around since the early 1900’s; this fun holiday didn’t start until the 1990’s. Exactly when, it’s hard to pinpoint. But what we do know, is this popular food item continues to be easy to make.

National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day

Indeed, a grilled cheese is one of everyone’s favorite comfort foods. First and foremost, this is something that anyone can make. In fact, even if you’re not a cook, it is easy enough to slap two pieces of bread together and put cheese in the middle. Either toast or grill and you will have the perfect sandwich.

Of course, the best thing about this type of sandwich is you can mix and match different types of bread and cheese.

Celebrate National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day

So, you may wonder how to celebrate this fun holiday. Simply, make a sandwich with your favorite bread and cheese. Since almost everyone loves cheddar cheese, use this to make the perfect sandwich. Additionally, you can get creative today by trying different types of cheese. For instance, if you like goat cheese, you can add tomatoes and fresh basil and you will indeed have the perfect sandwich. Be sure to visit my Happy National Goat Cheese Month post for some additional ideas on recipes to make with goat cheese.

Of course, all you need to do today is fire up your grill.

Fun Cheese Tidbits

For those of you watching your weight, a grilled cheese is under 300 calories. Also, some of the most popular cheeses for creating this iconic sandwich are:

  • American
  • Cheddar
  • Mozzarella
  • Provolone

Another fun way to celebrate this holiday is to host a grilled cheese party. Meanwhile, you can either make sandwiches or have everyone come up with a new version of this sandwich. You can get creative by adding fruit, jalapeno, bacon, sauce, and spices.

Also, try using garlic bread, your favorite cheese, add eggplant and sauce, fresh oregano and slap together for the ideal Italian version of this popular sandwich.

In summary, enjoy one of America’s favorite comfort food dishes today.

As always, I welcome your comments.

Happy National Grilled Cheese Day!

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