Autism Awareness Relationships

Autism Awareness Relationships

So, this is the month to learn about Autism Awareness. In the first place, thousands of people are diagnosed with this disease each and every year.

National Autism Awareness Month

First and foremost, anyone who has Autism faces a lifetime of difficulty in communication and interaction with others. Because many children and adults don’t know how to deal with this disease; there are ways to benefit from understanding this medical condition.

In the same way, the National Autism Society is working to ensure anyone who has this disease to have the best possible life. It is important to have acceptance and inclusion in school or the workplace.

Since there hasn’t been a treatment that cures this condition; there are ways to help treat this disease. For instance, if a person is treated early in their life; their symptoms can help be reduced by development, learning and support.


When you encounter anyone who has this condition; it is important to show compassion. At the same time, many people who have autism are very intelligent and tend to have a great visual memory. At any rate, you can communicate best by treating someone with Autism, the way you would want someone to treat you. It’s all about respect. Do unto others as you want done to you.

Some tips for communicating with anyone with Autism is to use color, comics and visuals. Another benefit is to use the same pattern regularly. Indeed, the more someone hears and sees something, they are more likely to understand.

Autism Awareness Relationships

In the same way, don’t confuse a medical condition with something negative in a person’s mannerism. Therefore, it is important to recognize that no one is perfect.

Another way to communicate with someone who has this disease is to get them involved in any type of role playing or small group setting. By helping someone with Autism; you are showing compassion for the special person they are. Watch Rainman and you will learn a lot about relationships.

We all have different experiences in life. In summary, if you have Autism or support or know someone with Autism; I would love to hear your story.

As always, I welcome your comments.

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