Celebrate Kindness Day February 17

Celebrate Kindness Day February 17

Celebrate Kindness Day today! Since this day is about doing something nice for someone; make sure you do something uplifting today to provide happiness for others.

Celebrate Kindness Day

When it comes to being kind; there are many things you can do. However, the act of doing something nice shouldn’t be just for today. Be sure you check out my Global Good Deeds April post where you can find ways to celebrate bringing people together. Similarly to Good Deeds Day, this non-holiday is about contributing goodness to the world.

In my opinion, we live in a world where we encounter rude behavior regularly. But, it doesn’t have to be this way. Whether you help a family member, a friend or a random stranger; the key is to do something unexpected today.

Of course, giving something to make someone feel good brings happiness to ourselves as well. Happiness is simple, yet can make a huge impact. For instance, when you do something that has a positive impact on another person; you’re helping ease someone else’s discomfort.

Random Acts of Kindness

Are you ready to do something nice for someone today? Indeed, this isn’t just for today; but we all need to be polite and contribute to bringing happiness into the world.

Meanwhile, the following are ways to lift someone else’s mood and make them feel good.

  • Smile at everyone you come in contact with today or any day.
  • Put on your happy face.
  • Pay it forward. When someone is behind you in line for a coffee; pay for their beverage. Indeed, a simple gesture can make someone’s day.
  • Be positive.
  • Contribute to making a person’s day easier.
  • If you have children, make sure you teach them how to act with others.

Kindness is the Key to Happiness

First and foremost, the act of doing something to ease a situation can have a positive impact on either a workplace, home or community. At the same time, anything positive you do can have a huge impact on the environment, ourselves and others.

When I think about what this word means to me and the impact it has had on my life; sometimes, something simple like a stranger stopping me to pay me a random compliment has stuck with me throughout the day. Indeed, the simplest gestures sometimes mean the most.

Since I work from my home office, I truly appreciate when someone reaches out to me. More importantly, I think contact with others can have a positive impact. When I closed my sales office, I often found I had a lot of extra time on my hands. When I connected with various clients over the years; I have appreciated their random acts of kindness by sharing a story with me or sending me a nice note. Of course, all of these gestures have had a positive impact and made my day.

Moreover, I’m about giving back. Whenever I focus my energy on new ideas for my clients; I feel I’m helping them succeed. In this fast-paced digital world, we live in; it is sometimes easy to forget about others. So, I start my day hoping to connect with others and continue to progress both in my writing and relationship with others.

Reach out to someone you don’t speak to as much. Make the time for someone. Spread your love. What will you do to bring a smile to someone’s face? Remember, a simple act can go a long way.

As always, I welcome your comments on how you will celebrate kindness day.

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