National Shoe the World Day is Today, March 15th

National Shoe the World Day is Today, March 15th

National Shoe the World Day is today. So, every year this is celebrated on March 15th and is about the importance of footwear for everyone.

National Shoe the World Day

First and foremost, this day is an important one. So, this day is not only about shoes; but for millions of people worldwide who cannot afford footwear or don’t have anywhere to purchase shoes.

Are you ready to learn how you can make a difference?

Although anything that has to do with shoes; I’m on board with.  However, this important day goes beyond footwear. It is a day to do something meaningful for people in need.

Due to millions of people not having access to footwear; this day was started by Donald Zsemonadi and the United Indigenous People. To learn more about this day; visit my Are you Ready to Celebrate National Shoe the World March 15 post.

Indeed, anyone walking without proper footwear is in danger. Hence, if you are walking without proper shoes; you are liable to not only have an infection, and parasites but also can develop a severe foot injury.

Why are Shoes Important

When it comes to footwear, they are a necessity. 

Of course, shoes are not only in reference to fashion; but also a necessity.  In fact, proper footwear is essential to everyone. For example, if you are wearing torn shoes or footwear not made well; this can result in severe damage to your feet, back, and other body parts.

In addition, proper footwear can help people with back pain, and infections. Also, footwear can help with other foot-related problems, such as well as correcting posture.

Whether you have shoes you have never worn or slightly used; why not donate them? At Soles4Souls; they provide shoes for good use. In addition, they provide relief by donating shoes and clothing to people who are in need.

What you Can do to Make a Difference

Now that you know this day isn’t about buying new shoes; it is time to make a difference.

In fact, all over the world; billions of people don’t have shoes. Furthermore, if they do have shoes; their footwear is inadequate.

Due to rocky terrains and uneven surfaces; many people walk barefoot or with inferior-quality footwear. So, the good news is you can do something to make a difference.

At the same time, one of the best ways to make a difference today is to donate quality footwear or gift shoes to someone who cannot afford to purchase them. Meanwhile, one of the easiest ways to donate shoes is to go through your own closet. In the same way, you may find shoes that you never wore or styles that no longer suit you.

Also, you can donate to the First Day Shoe Fund to make a difference in someone’s life.

Of course, everyone should have the right shoes to wear. If you are in school; athletic styles are needed to support sports and outdoor activities.

Why you Should Support National Shoe the World Day

So, if you are wondering why you should support this important day; it is simple. Indeed, it is an alarming statistic that billions of people worldwide don’t have the funds or access to buy quality footwear. Because many people are homeless or living in poverty; anything you do can make a difference in someone’s life.

Furthermore, you can organize your own shoe drive. For instance, you can set up a box somewhere with a sign. Or, you can post something on social media. Let your family and friends know about this important cause. Any pairs of shoes you receive; you can donate to one of these funds helping with this important cause.

As always, I welcome your comments on what you will do to support National Shoe the World Day.

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