Present Moment Awareness Day

Present Moment Awareness Day

Present Moment Awareness Day is February 16th. So, if you are not familiar with this day; it is all about taking the time to focus on the here and now.

Present Moment Awareness Day

When you are living in the present; you are in control. But, how many of us look at things that have happened in the past? And, many people are thinking about the future.

At the same time, thinking about both the past and the future often results in stress.  Check out my 6 Best De-Stressing Products post for tips on relieving stress.

So, this day was established in honor of Eckhart Tolle, a Spiritual Leader.

Present Moment Awareness Day – Stay in Control

When it comes to ourselves; each of us is in control. Obviously, our bodies and well-being are essential to staying in control.

In addition, you need the following to stay in control.

  • In the first place, without good sleep; you may incur hormonal imbalance, loss of motor control, and many other things. Check out my March 13 – 19th is Sleep Awareness Week post for tips on sleeping better.
  • At the same time, it is important to eat a healthy diet. Since February is American Heart Month; now is the time to introduce change. Visit my Heart Healthy Eating Goals post for tips on changing your diet.
  • Be self-aware.
  • Take a holistic approach
  • Treat everyone as your equal. Check out my February is Kindness Month post for tips on treating others with dignity and respect.

In the meantime, sometimes things happen that are out of control. For instance, if someone has an accident, is sick, or a tragedy occurs; show compassion. Be present! Ask them if they need a shoulder to lean on.

Indeed, these are things we cannot control. Next time, something unexpected occurs; attend to the situation as soon as possible.

Release your Tension and Worries

So, if you are plagued by worries; my tips may help in calming you down.

Since worries and stress are a normal part of our lives; it is essential to not let these interfere with our daily lives.

When people worry about the “ifs”; these negative thoughts can take a toll on their emotional and physical health.

Because many people have been impacted by COVID over the last several years; it is time to get rid of these anxious thoughts. Vaccines and boosters have helped. But, if you are unable to stop worrying; you may want to speak to a Doctor or Therapist.

Moreover, it is time to stop worrying.

      • Begin each day by doing something. For example, exercise is a good way to relieve stress. As you move, you will be able to enhance your well-being.
      • Let your worries go. When you let things roll off your shoulders; you won’t be anxious
      • Take a class. Whether you like art or sports; participate in a class or workshop.
      • Mediate! Meditating is more than sitting cross-legged.  For example, find a quiet place, light a candle, and listen to music.
      • Finally, stay focused on the here and now.

Also, there are many meditation apps you can download.  For 10 minutes, this mindfulness meditation is ideal. Try it and let me know what you think.

TESH CARE Chakra Therapy Starter Collection

Of course, self-care starts with you. Whether you are an avid collector or new to collecting Chakra stones; there is something meaningful about using crystals to open your chakra.

In this collection, there are gemstones and healing crystals.

Also, this set includes a guide about the meaning of each crystal.


Present Moment Awareness Day

How to Stay in the Present Moment Awareness

Although most of us multi-task; it is time to try to focus on one thing at a time. When you focus on one thing; it helps you be more aware. In fact, when you focus on what is in front of you; you will be able to remember things clearly.

When you are living in the moment; you are able to focus on what you have.

Another tip I have is to participate in meditation. For instance, when you meditate; it helps you become more aware of your feelings and thoughts which helps increase the time you spend in the moment.

Finally, if you are ready to start living in the present; you need to let go of certain things and accept them for what they are.

In summary, today is the day to start living your life in the present moment.

As always, I welcome your comments on what you will do for Present Moment Awareness Day.

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