5 Ways to Avoid Gaining Weight Over the Holidays and Winter Months

5 Ways to Avoid Gaining Weight Over the Holidays and Winter Months

So, the 5 ways to avoid gaining weight over the holidays and winter months is simple. In the first place, you should stay away from processed food, sugar and salt. And, even when it is cold outside; stay active.

5 Ways to Avoid Gaining Weight

When it comes to the festive season; it is easy to indulge in salty and sweet food. However, I have some tricks to help so you won’t overindulge.

  1. Be Mindful!
  2. Avoid too much alcohol.
  3. Enjoy the surroundings on where you are; and spend time catching up with your family and friends.
  4. Eat a little bit before a party so you aren’t starving.
  5. Stay active!

Moreover, it is is important to remember the holidays are more than just food. Next time you are going to a restaurant or a holiday party; take the time to enjoy your surroundings. Admire the decorations! Spend time visiting with your family and friends who you may not have seen for quite some time due to the pandemic.

With this being said, you can still indulge in some holiday food. However, the key is to be mindful and do this in moderation.

In fact, a trick I have used is to have something to eat before heading to a party. When I’m there, I’m not starving and can focus more time on enjoying the event versus eating and drinking all night long.

Alcohol Weight

When it comes to alcohol; it is hard to avoid having a glass of wine, a holiday martini or champagne.

First and foremost, alcohol is loaded with calories and sugar. Many of us don’t recognize the amount of calories in one drink. In addition, alcohol can lower your inhibitions. Hence, you may be visiting the bar area often.

Events during the Holidays and Winter Months

When you attend an event; there is usually a lot of appetizers and food set up. See if there is a vegetable platter. Munch on a carrot and hold a glass of water. By having your hands filled; you are avoiding calories of other food.

If you are having an alcoholic beverage; I recommend taking small sips of your drink.  Also, try to make a note to not hang around the food too much.

If you are around a huge buffet, try to stick to healthier options. However, if that isn’t an option; you can always have smaller portions.

Finally, if you are the host of an upcoming holiday party or game day party in the winter months; serve healthier snacks.

Why the Holidays and Winter Effects our Weight?

Of course, we all have been there! More importantly, we all have ate some unhealthy food or had too much to drink.

Even when the holiday season is over; we all hope to start the year off right. But, you may get into a lull – the winter blues! To avoid the Winter blues; be sure to visit my Fight Winter Blues post.

Indeed, stress, coupled with a lack of sleep can impact your hormones. Meanwhile, if you have a lot of stress; find a solution. Take a class in yoga or meditation. If you don’t have the time for a class; you can find many online programs for yoga and meditation.

  • Yoga for everyone –  check out Yoga Works where you can take classes online.
  • To meditate, I’m a fan of listening to some music to unwind.


Another great way to help relive stress is to to exercise or indulge in something you enjoy, i.e., arts and crafts, gardening, or a home project. Since you may not not have time each day; you can try and find a few minutes each day to do something you like. By making an effort; you are giving yourself time to relax and enjoy some downtime.

At the same time, many of us can reach a breaking point. Before you get to that point, indulge! Of course, we all need time to unwind. For some time for yourself; check out my Pampering Moments post.

What to do Different this Year to Keep off the Weight

Though you feel every year you make a promise to yourself to lose weight and join a gym in the New Year; you may be putting too much pressure on yourself.

When you are planning to shed some weight that you put on; I recommend starting slow. For some diet plans; be sure to visit my Best Healthy Weight Loss Diets post. No matter what diet you decide to try; the key is to eat healthy all year long and exercise regularly.

Don’t have unreasonable expectations. For example, if you have a hectic schedule; modify your routine. Exercise 15 – 20 minutes a day. Since I don’t attend a gym any longer; I have enjoyed working out from home much more. For some tips on exercising from home; check out my Create a Heart Healthy Lifestyle to Reduce Weight and Best Fifteen Minute Home Workout posts.

Trust me – this works as I do this regularly; but I also walk and run on my treadmill several times a week.

In summary, whether you give up a few treats this holiday season, begin a diet in the new year or start an exercise program; the key is to survive the holiday season and tackle my tips on 5 ways to avoid gaining weight.

As always, I welcome your comments on my tips on 5 ways to avoid gaining weight and what you have found has worked for you?

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