Create a Heart Healthy Lifestyle to Reduce Weight

Create a Heart Healthy Lifestyle to Reduce Weight

Are you ready to create a heart healthy lifestyle? Since February is American Heart Month; now is the time to embark on a healthy diet and physical activity. To read more about the importance of this month; be sure to visit my American Heart Month February post. Are you ready for some tips that will help you eat healthier and also improve your overall health?

Create a Heart Healthy Lifestyle

When it comes to creating a healthier lifestyle; there are many things you can do. At the same time, one of the most important things you should do is prepare your meals. So, rather than buy frozen food; substitute with fresh ingredients.

Indeed, one of the best things you can do for your health is exercise. If you are new to exercising; be sure to visit my Best Fifteen Minute Workout and Home Inspired Exercise Ideas posts for some ideas.

Another way for anyone just starting out is to take a walk. Even if you don’t exercise at all; a walk is a great way to embark on your journey to a healthier lifestyle.

If you don’t have weights, you can always purchase some to have or use something heavy to move your arms up and down with. In fact, these basic hand weights are ideal for someone just starting out. Also, these dumbbells are Neoprene coated for durability and the shape helps prevent the weights from slipping from your grip.


Create a Heart Healthy Lifestyle to Reduce Weight

Steps to Create a Heart Healthy Lifestyle

Besides exercising, it is essential to eat better. In the first place, one of the best ways to eat healthier is to add either one piece of fruit or a vegetable to each meal. To introduce this to your diet; be sure to visit my Celebrate Fresh Fruit Vegetable Month post.

When you are looking for a healthy pasta alternative; be sure to check out my Zoodles Pasta Dinner post and you will be on your way to making some yummy food.

Meanwhile, some other healthy tips I have for you are the following:

  • Begin the day by eating breakfast. Indeed, breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day.
  • Did you know soda has a lot of sugar? In my opinion, drinking water is what everyone should be doing. Start carrying around a water bottle with you. Not only is water essential to your health; but also replaces nutrients you lose each day. In addition, water helps your skin look good.
  • Use light olive oil instead of regular olive oil.
  • Since most foods have salt as a hidden ingredient; you don’t need to add extra salt.
  • Furthermore, it is essential to pay attention to food labels. How many times do you buy something quickly without reading the ingredients? My recommendation is to look closely at the amount of sodium, sugar and where the food was made.

Are you ready to improve your cardiac-health? This easy cookbook has heart healthy recipes that not only taste good but will help improve your blood pressure and lower your cholesterol.


Create a Heart Healthy Lifestyle to Reduce Weight

Because this month is heart month; you may want to focus on making changes. To learn more; be sure to visit my American Heart Gratitude Challenge post and use the month to balance out your priorities during the coronavirus pandemic.

In summary, take each day to tap into the positive things in your life. Of course, a positive outlook helps reduce stress and contributes to a longer life.

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