Trump's Remarkable Presidential Win

Trump’s Remarkable Presidential Win

When I went to bed last night, the race was to close to call and waking up in the wee hours of the morning to learn about Trump’s remarkable Presidential win, I was surprised.  So I didn’t see this coming.  While many of my Friends predicted a Trump victory, I held my ground and thought Clinton would pull through.  I was wrong.

Trump’s Remarkable Win

Defying all odds, Trump takes the White House.  Despite Trump’s controversy and going against the grain of politics, he won the Presidency by a campaign built on appeal to the working-class rural and white population.

Since this was a heavy Presidential race, it could have gone either way.  But in the end, Trump’s campaign of running things his way showed in the end results. Although Trump alienated immigrants, angered Muslims, and insulted Women; he still won.  What message does this send?  Trump’s message to the World that we were are losing all over the world resonated with the Voters.  Americans thought he was the right person to reverse this.

Trump’s remarkable win is something Americans are going to have to get used to.  Can you wrap your thoughts around having President Trump lead the nation for the next four years?

Clinton’s Loss

As much as many hoped for our first female President; many had trouble relating to her. Overall Clinton was an unpopular opponent.  In spite of all major Newspapers backing her, her defeat came at the hand of Americans.

Also, many thought Sanders was a better candidate than Clinton. Both Trump and Sanders addressed issues about a rigged economy and government. Because of this, many voters didn’t back Clinton.

Due to the FBI’s investigation of Clinton’s email, her trouble ran deeper. Clinton’s use of Trump as a foil had many believe she didn’t have her own voice.

End Results

Donald Trump’s remarkable Presidential win has sent a surge worldwide.  Although this Presidential Campaign thrived on moments, Trump’s message today is about urging Americans “to come together as one united people.”  In conclusion, worldwide reactions are pouring in.  Many are hoping Trump’s ego won’t lead to problems all over the world.  Did you vote for Trump? Are you happy with Trump’s win?

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5 thoughts on “Trump’s Remarkable Presidential Win”

  1. I didn’t vote for Trump. I voted for Jill Stein but I am very happy with his win. It shows how American people are sick and tired of our currupted goververment and how Hillary is working favor for Wall Street and big cooprations. She took money from people who is funding isis and many deaths which are linked to her. As an immigrant myself I understand Trump’s message was about the problem we have with illegal immigrant not legal immigrant. He might not be the best choices we have but that shows you how most of American feel about Hillary.

    1. Cheryl, Thanks for sharing your personal feelings with me. You raised some good points about our corrupt government. I appreciated you sharing your story with me of fraud with voter registration. Hopefully Trump will do a good job leading the nation.

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