Presidential Race 2016 Clinton v Trump

Presidential Race 2016 Clinton v Trump

The Presidential race for 2016 is shaping up between Clinton v  Trump.  The United States 58th Presidential race  election will take place on November 8, 2016.

Donald Trump

Billionaire Businessman, Donald Trump, is the 2016 Republican Party Presidential nominee.  Donald Trump Jr. cast the final vote to secure his father’s presidential election. Trump’s campaign shattered precedent, defied pundits, and divided the GOP establishment.

His campaign is centered on the theme of making American great again.  If he is our President, he wants to build a non-penetrable wall between the United States and Mexico. He is using ostentatious behavior while being anti-immigrant and anti-Washington.  So far there is something missing – a policy platform.

Television ratings were low.  After the Republican Convention, Trump has been distancing himself from the Party.

Hilary Clinton

Democratic Presidential Candidate, Hillary Clinton accepted the nomination Thursday, July 28, 2016.  Hillary acknowledged this is the first time in history,  a political party has nominated a woman for president.  When barriers are lifted, this helps pave the way for many.

Hillary Clinton portrays herself as steady, solid, and experienced in politics.  She is well respected in politics.  Also, she can handle major issues.

Her campaign is centered on needing an economy that works for everyone.  She wants to make sure that Wall Street and big corporations pay their fair share of taxes.  Her fight in various medical conditions and disabilities is about expanding opportunities.

Many celebrities and well-known figures support came in support of Hillary Clinton at the Democratic National Convention.

Clinton v Trump

Clinton v Trump is going to be a colorful campaign race to follow.  Furthermore, the main differences between the two candidates boiled down to several points.  Clinton’s reference in her speech was “We can fix this”.  In addition, Trump’s message was “I can fix this”.   Therefore, the main difference is how the two candidates refer to themselves.

Finally, in an election race, Americans don’t say “I”.    Therefore, we want someone who is about teamwork.  We want someone who believes we are stronger together.  While Trump’s message appeals to some, his main message is asking Americans to trust him.  In conclusion, no one person can do anything alone.  Finally, in a democracy the keyword is “we”.

Do you trust Hillary?  Is she a clone of Obama?  Will Trump stop making outlandish statements?  While there are many key issues diving these two candidates, the final vote will come from the people.  Who do you think will be the better President in the job for the nation?

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