Celebrate National Pizza Month

Celebrate National Pizza Month

So, are you ready to celebrate National Pizza month? Since October has 31 days; you can try a different slice of pizza each day of the month.

Celebrate National Pizza Month

In the first place, no one needs an excuse to eat this yummy food. But, a whole month to indulge in your favorite toppings. Yeah – that’s what I’m talking about.

Meanwhile, even if you are dieting; there are many healthy choices to still indulge in with this mouthwatering food.

In fact, pizza was first brought to people’s attention in 1889 when the Italian King, Umberto, and Queen Margherita were served this on a trip to Naples.

Since the late 1800s, this is one of the most popular food choices for people all over the world.

Fun TIdbits on How National Pizza Month Began

Finally, though pizza has been around since the late 1800s; it wasn’t until October 1984 that this month was created by Gerry Durnell,  publisher of Pizza Today and owner of a pizzeria.

Also, there is an interesting story on why he chose October. Because he lived in Santa Claus, Indiana; he wanted to support his growing business.

Though you don’t need a month dedicated to this popular choice; it’s fun nonetheless to have a month dedicated to this tasty food.

Fun ways to Celebrate National Pizza Month

When you are looking for ways to enjoy this yummy food for the month; there are many options.

Whether you are looking for a simple pizza or one that has a lot of toppings; there are many different types of pizzas to make or buy.

Did you know you can have pizza any time of day? Yup, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert!

And, if you are looking for a healthy choice; there are many different options.

Homemade Dough

In the first place, it is super easy to make your own dough. However, instead of using flour, baking powder, and salt, I recommend using whole wheat flour as a healthy substitute.


  • Whole Wheat Flour
  • Plain Low Fat Greek Yogurt


Combine the wheat flour with Greek Yogurt. Also, add a 1/2 to a tablespoon of water. Mix thoroughly to form the dough. If the dough feels dry; add a tad more water.

Next, knead the dough and spread it onto a lightly greased pizza pan.

Wilton 2-Piece Pan Set

When you are looking for a durable pan; this is ideal.

This pan is made with a non-stick coating that helps your food from sticking to the pan.

Though this pan is made to prevent a gooey mess; I highly recommend lightly greasing your pan to prevent any sticky mess.


Celebrate National Pizza Month

Healthy Pizza Recipe

Now that you have your dough made and a good pizza pan; you can begin making pizzas’ for yourself and your guests.

So, below is one of my favorite recipes. But, you can always change some of the vegetables or protein to one you would prefer.


  • Roasted Pepper (I like making my own)
  • Different sizes of red tomatoes
  • Fresh minced garlic or garlic cloves sliced
  • Fresh Basil
  • Fresh Oregano
  • Arugula
  • Chicken shredded
  • Ground Pepper
  • Cheese is optional. However, I recommend using a lite cheese
  • Extra light Bertoli Olive Oil
  • Balsamic Glaze



Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.

In my opinion, everyone prefers their pizza a certain way. For example, some people prefer white pizza while others prefer a saucy pizza. So, the ingredients and the amount you use are something you will have to decide for yourself.

Brush a light coating of extra light olive oil. Next, add the tomatoes all over the dough. Add the vegetables from above or your favorites.

Bake in the oven for approximately 12 – 15 minutes.

Make sure you check the oven while cooking to make sure the bottom doesn’t overcook. If this happens, you can always lower the temperature.

Once your pizza is ready, drizzle some balsamic glaze and fresh basil.

Bon appetite!

And, for some other pizza recipes, check out my Pizza Making post.

The Pizza Bible

Whether you are a newbie or looking to master creating Neopolitan or Sicilian pizzas; this book has everything you need to know to make calzones, focaccia. and pizza.


Celebrate National Pizza Month

Finally, to finish off your meal, be sure to add a sweet treat. For some recipe ideas, visit my Homemade Light Summertime Desserts post.

As always, I welcome your comments on your favorite pizza.

Celebrate National Pizza Month!

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